I had several moments of doubt before signing up for the course; these were largely fears of losing connections with friends and people around me as I shifted and "leave them behind'. 

I loved Cendrine's way of teaching as it was a scientific and practical approach to living true to our values and being a leader for others.

Cara Di Vitto

Cendrine was able to provide another deeper layer to what I already knew about the field of quantum energetics. It really helped me to understand and process it like never before. The unified field and quantum resonance sections were my biggest ‘aha’ moments.

I truly felt held and supported energetically throughout the whole two days.

Leanne Grothe

I had been following Cendrine's teachings mostly on YouTube and loved her way of explaining deep spiritual concepts with crystal clear clarity.

I'm so grateful that I got to participate in this 2-day event as it has helped me a lot in understanding more about myself and my mission. I now have more knowledge and courage to create the next chapter of my professional life!

Eri Takea


Cendrine has been asked to help many souls access the templates of the neo-humans through cosmic surgery and channeled activations.


This transmission is shared for the purpose of bringing crystalline light anchored in the highest levels of frequencies available on earth now.


So, together, we can weave webs of light in our world and uplift humanity together!


Watch this in the comfort of your home, as often as you'd like!