For many souls, knowing about their galactic origin is very exciting, yet they don't fully grasp the extent of what it truly means to have galactic origins.
Remembering your galactic origin is only the beginning, trust me!
When we know that our soul also exists in other star systems, we can then realise that, as a multidimensional being, we have access to certain fields of information that other people don’t.
If you’re from Arcturus or the Pleiades, for example, you can connect with this coding inside of you and channel your family still present there.
You have had embodied experiences of living in realms of much higher frequency already.
You KNOW in yourself what it feels like to live in a reality where all the beings live in harmony and peace, cocreating with one another and the consciousness of the planet.
Therefore, dear soul, you have a wealth of highly valuable information within you!
And humanity needs that right now to stabilise fully into the 5th to 7th dimensions!
Remembering our galactic heritage is indeed fun and empowering. However, trust me, this is only the beginning of the most exhilarating and life-changing growth journey you could ever be on, because it will open up a huge library of light where you will discover so much about your true power but also download new golden architecture to help humanity rise!
I'm always about depth and learning things that actually matter, make a difference, and can be embodied to bring long-lasting changes to our lives and our loved ones.
Once you start deepening your connections with your star family and your interstellar friends, you will be able to channel them with much greater ease. You will be able to ask them for their support and guidance.
When you know more about your multidimensional soul you can put things into perspective and reactivate the dormant gifts present within you.
At the "Galactic Stardust Event", attendees will discover more about their galactic heritage and experience the very high frequencies of their light family. As we all connect and channel together, we will be able to bring a new golden light software into Gaia's grids, thereby establishing much more precise connections with other star races.
It is very much like weaving a new communication network together, so humanity can "dial" the galactics with increasing ease and accuracy!
As more and more of us remember our galactic blueprint and learn to co-create through receiving channeling messages, we will see a tidal wave of accelerated Ascension happening in humanity, thereby increasing the frequency of Love and Abundance for all.
As I prepare to train yet another wave of extraordinary channels of light, here to activate the structure of the new earth in co-creation with their galactic families, I feel called to offer this free temple event to anchor more galactic frequencies on this planet.
Our light families are waiting for us to remember our true cosmic heritage and actively channel their guidance and teachings. This will elevate the frequency of our planet and anchor greater levels of peace and joy in humanity.
When you participate in this extraordinary event, you will help channel huge amounts of light codes and galactic frequencies and bring them deep into the current structures of our reality, therefore helping humanity elevate its consciousness and opening up the gateways to our stellar companions and families.
Join us.
Remember your galactic heritage.
Elevate the frequency of the planet through collective grid work.
Together we rise,
In peace!
I would love to invite you to join this free Temple event that all my students must receive. So, you will receive the same loving support as my students in my premium channeling program "Eeria, Ascension School of Channeling", which this free event is a part of.
As part of this Temple Event, you will:
✔️ Recode your consciousness about the truth of your multidimensionality, so you can finally address the inner knowing that "you're not from here".
✔️ Activate new gifts, memories and libraries of light within you that are currently dormant and hidden.
✔️ Receive a greater understanding of your soul's unique mission across time and space.
✔️ Receive an activation and guided quantum journey to meet your primordial star family and receive their direct guidance so you can anchor more of your light and amplify your soul mission.
✔️ Participate in the first ever online grid work to help Gaia and humanity reaccess their crystalline connections with the galactic realm.
Enter your name and email below to receive instant access to the replay!
"Galactic Stardust"
Remember your galactic heritage and help anchor the golden grid of interstellar communication
Cendrine Sauvenier
Cendrine is a spiritual teacher and ascension mentor.
As the founder and leader of the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry, she serves humanity in cocreation with her High Council by sharing a new grounding breaking body of work, here to help thousands of souls remember their multidimensionality and divine sovereignty.