When you join The Portal you will receive...
✔️ Clear direction: You will be surprised to discover how easy it actually is to have access to the inner compass that your soul is and to be able to so easily and precisely connect with the spirit guides that have been there for you all along!
✔️ Live as an Angel: This will upgrade your frequency at such a high level that you will be able to be the embodiment of the vibrant version of self you always knew was there, without quite knowing how to access it. The time has come to embody your unique soul blueprint and shine unapologetically into the world!
✔️ Know yourself: As you discover more and more who you are on a multidimensional level, you can embrace more of life in a free and abundant way, having greater courage to take aligned actions to manifest your dreams and serve others along the way. You will have more clarity about your purpose and have greater confidence on your ability to activate it fully.
✔️ Consistent support: The monthly mentoring that you will receive from Cendrine as well as the wealth of knowledge and activations present in the Portal will be all the golden nuggets that your soul has been craving to release the density keeping you stuck in procrastination mode. You will be marveling at how fast and easy your spiritual expansion can actually be and have a new revived desire to take aligned actions to upgrade your personal life and soul business!
✔️ Your highest reality: Once you are deeply connected to your soul and your spirit guides and know how to channel them, you can receive the downloads of your highest timeline that is anchored into the frequency of the new earth. It will shift the game forever, as you won’t be creating from outdated templates anymore, but instead, be building a bright future consciously, creatively, with joy, passion and an ever-burning enthusiasm!